Term Life Insurance

Term InsuranceA type of life insurance in which the insurance company pays a specified sum if the insured dies during the coverage period. Term insurance includes no savings, cash values, borrowing power, or benefits at retirement. On the basis of cost, it is the least expensive insurance available, although policy prices can vary significantly among firms. Renewable term insurance offers coverage that can
be renewed by the policyholder regardless of health.

Joseph W. McMartin Insurance Company

“I have repeatedly chosen Statland and Katz over other nationally recognized insurance companies for its ability to offer customized insurance products that meet our community’s needs. I’m proud – and very happy – that our association obtained earthquake coverage from Statland & Katz, at a nominal price. We did not need to call Statland & Katz for a claim  when our area was shaken by an earthquake in July of 2010– but our community felt better knowing we could have done so if needed.” - Terry M. Green President, Board of Directors, King Farm IV, II Rockville, Maryland

5000 Sunnyside Ave., Suite 200 Beltsville, MD 20705
1-877-567-3749 | Phone: (301) 587-6050 | FAX: 301-937-5120 | E-mail:info@statlandkatz.com